●PCJ Interview
・File13 佐野円香
・File12 飯田かずな
・File11 河合俊哉
・File10 酒匂オサム
・File09 P.M.Ken

・File08 高木こずえ
・File07 太田拓実
・File06 鈴木心
・File05 青山裕企
・File04 小山泰介
・File03 奥本昭久
・File02 常盤響
・File01 辻佐織

●Company File
・File10 ペンタックスリコーイメージング
・File09 ハッセルブラッド・ジャパン
・File08 アドビ システムズ
・File07 富士フイルム
・File06 駒村商会
・File05 ジナー
・File04 ハッセルブラッド
・File03 シグマ
・File02 フェーズワン
・File01 ライカ

●Overseas Photographers
・File12 Anne Schwalbe
・File11 Ola Rindal
・File10 Peter Kaaden
File09 Josh Madson
・File08 Michael Kenna
・File07 Todd McLellan
・File06 Mona Kuhn
・File05 Diana Scheunemann
・File04 Albert Watson
・File03 Nick Meek
・File02 Rankin
・File01 Ron van Dongen


→English Version

Florian Oellers



All Photographs © Anne Schwalbe


「Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt」より


「Vulkan oder Stein」より

「Wiese XXI-XLVIII」より

2013年にPost (limArt) で開催された展覧会「Alles」

2013年に代官山 蔦屋書店で行われた展覧会「ALLES - Anne Schwalbe」

●Biography バイオグラフィー



Q:写真を始めたのは何歳の頃ですか? 何故写真に興味を持ったか覚えていますか? また、子供の頃他に何に興味を持っていましたか?



Anne:学校を出てからはいくつかのことをしました。実際、卒業後に写真を勉強したかったのですが、そうはいかなかったのです。そこでドイツ文学と文化学を学び、お金をかせぐためと、(頭だけでなく)手を使うことがしたくて花屋さんで何年間か働きました。その後、ようやく若者向けの写真講座を見つけて、モノクロ写真の現像を学びました。そこではすばらしい人々との出会いがありました。そして、文学と文化学の勉強を終えた後にベルリンにある写真学校Ostkreuz Schoolのことを知り、最終的にそこで写真を学びました。私の場合、自分の道を見つけるまでにかなりの時間が必要でした。

Q:若い頃に影響を受けた表現はありますか? 例えば写真家、映画、音楽などで夢中になったアーティストやミュージシャンはいますか?


●Work 活動内容






Anne:ベスト3を挙げることはできません。撮影時のシチュエーションがはっきりと記憶に残っていて選びきれないのです。そこで、今のところ私のメインの作品となる「Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt」「Wiese」「Vulkan oder Stein」「Wiese XXI-XLVIII」について紹介させてください。

「Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt」は私にとって初めてのシリーズで、写真を学んでいた時と卒業後に撮ったもので2004年から2009年にあたります。このシリーズからすべてが始まったのです。2010年に写真集として自費出版した後、この「Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt」はロンドンのフォトグラファーズギャラリーで行われた第1回「Self Publish Be Happy」に選ばれました。そこでは今も私にとってとても大事で素晴らしい人々に出会うことができました。

2010年はその後にもパリで開催された(自費出版を含む)写真集のブックフェア「Publish it Yourself」 と 「Offprint」に出展しました。そこで、私は2冊目の写真集の出版を勧められ、2011年に草原を主題にした「Wiese」を出版しました。この写真集を通して今私が所属しているミュンヘンのギャラリーf5,6が私を見つけ出してくれました。また、現在のエージェントBrigitta Horvaもこの写真集で私のことを知ったのです。さらに、東京でtwelvebooksを主催している濱中敦史さんがパリの本屋さんで「Wiese」を見て私に連絡をくれて、2012年からは日本国内での流通を手がけてくれています。このことはとても嬉しく感謝しています。濱中さんは2013年には東京のPost (limArt) と代官山 蔦屋書店で展覧会「Alles」も開催してくれました。どちらもとても素晴らしい展覧会となり、日本の方々が私の写真にとても興味を持ってくれていることを本当に感謝しています。

「Wiese」の出版後、2012年には「Vulkan oder Stein」を出版しました。これは石をテーマにした写真集ですが、少なからず空と大地についてでもあり、火、川と海についてでもあります。さらに草原についてはずっと撮り続けていたので2013年には再び草原をテーマとした「Wiese XXI-XLVIII」を出版しました。

●Tools 現在の道具

Q:フイルムカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください(カメラボディとレンズ)。

Anne:カメラは1つだけでヤシカマット124G(Yashica Mat 124G:2眼レフ)を使っています。

Q:これまで使った中で一番好きなフイルムはなんですか? フイルム名とその理由を教えてください。


Q:デジタルカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください(カメラボディとレンズ)。

Anne:デジタルカメラは持っていません。個人的な楽しみでFacebook、 Instagram、holidayは使っています。また携帯電話のカメラで撮ったインスタレーションを展覧会で流すことはあります。







Q:レタッチはご自分で行いますか? その理由と主にどんな処理を行うか教えてください。


Q:フイルムとデジタル、どちらが好きですか? またそれぞれの長所、短所をお聞かせください。


●Schedule 今後の活動






Anne:「自分の中に灯る月の光に付き従いなさい、狂気を隠してはいけない(Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness.)」アレン・ギンズバーグ。


Our questions are divided into 4 parts: biography, works, tools and upcoming works/projects. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, but please just skip any questions you would not like to answer.

Also, it would be great if you could provide us with a picture of your face as well as some pictures your mentions in this questionnaire. Thank you!


Q. Please tell us your date of birth and where you were born.

I was born 20 September 1974 in Berlin in Germany.

Q. When did you start taking photos? Do you remember why you developed an interest in taking pictures? What else were you interested in as a child?

I was interested in taking pictures quite early. I attended a workshop in school for black and white lab technique. With 16 i did some black and white stillifes with flowers and books etc for a school project. As a child and teenager i was interested also in sewing. And now i just started sewing again, clothes for me. I like to do as much as i can with my hands. It's more satisfying than buying stuff.

Q. Please let us know your academic background.
Did you major in photography?

After school i did several different things. Actually i wanted to study photography right after school, but that did not work out. That's why I studied German Literature and Cultural Studies. And for earning some money and to do something with my hands (not only with my head) i worked in a flower shop for some years. Finally i found a photo project for young people where i learned to develope black & white photos. Also i met great people there. And then, after finishing my Literature and Cultural Studies i read about Ostkreuz School for Photography in Berlin. There I finally studied Photography. I needed quite some time to find my way.

Q. What creative expressions influenced you in your youth? Were you crazy about any particular photographers, movie stars, musicians or other artists?

No, i was not crazy about anything in my youth. Only nature maybe. But in general i am really a very late bloomer. As i said I needed quite a while to find out what i want. Unfortunately i was no rebel and much to well behaved in my youth.


Q. In what objects and themes are you interested right now?

Beside of photography I am interested in abstract monochrome paintings and sculptures. I am more and more interested again in nature. I feel much better and more free in the countryside. I am interested in gardening, sewing & knitting, handmade and local stuff. And i would like to know when this crazy belief in an neverending growth of economic systems will stop.

Q. Now a single-lens reflex camera can be used to make movies. Are you working on any projects now where you make use of SRL for making a movie?

No. I just do funny short movies during vacations on the beach or so. With my telephone.

Q. Please select the 3 best works from all over your works. Then please let us know the reason why you think they are the best, and write some memories or episodes about them.

I really cannot do that. Actually i select my photographs so much that i memory all the situations when i took the photo. Instead of that i can tell you about my four main projects so far: “Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt”, “Wiese”, “Vulkan oder Stein” and “Wiese XXI-XLVIII”.

“Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt” is my first series. It's a mixture of photos of i took during my photography studies and photos i took after studying photography. There are photos from 2004 - 2009. With this series everything started. I self-published this series as a book in early 2010. Then my book “Blindschleiche und Riesenblatt” was selected for the first “Self Publish Be Happy“ Weekend in London at the Photographes' Gallery. There i met so many great people who are really important for me. Later in 2010 i attended “Publish it Yourself” and “Offprint” Paris - bookfairs for (self) published photobooks. Then i was encouraged to publish a second book with my photographs. And i published “Wiese” in 2011 - it's about meadows. Through this book my gallery f5,6 in Munich recognized me. And i think also my Agent Brigitta Horvat found me through my books. And also Atsushi Hamanaka from Twelvebooks in Tokyo - he found my book “Wiese” in a bookstore in Paris and contacted me and is doing the distribution for my books in Japan now since 2012. And this is really so great and i really appreciate his work. He also organized my exhibition “Alles” at Post (limArt) and at Tsutaya Daikanayama in Tokyo 2013, which was really a great experience. And i really appreciate so much this big interest of japanese people in my photography.
After “Wiese” i published “Vulkan oder Stein” in 2012. It is about stones. More or less. It is also about the sky and the earth. And about the fire. And it is about the river and the sea.
And all the time i did not stop taking pictures of meadows and published in the end of 2013 “Wiese XXI-XLVIII”. It is about meadows again.


Q. What model of film camera do you currently use? Please let us know the specific model. If you have more than one camera, please list as many as possible.

I have one camera: Yashica Mat 124G.

Q. What brand of film do you like the best?

Since many years i work with Kodak Portra. I like the colors.

Q. What brand of digital camera do you currently use? Please let us know the specific model. If you have use more than one, please list as many as you can.

I don't have a digital camera. For fun, facebook, instagram, holiday and also installation views from my exhibitions i have my telephonecamera.

Q. Please let us know accessories you use.

a Manfrotto tripod

Q. Are there any other essential accessories or tools for you?

An umbrella. With an umbrella i can also take pictures when it's raining.

Q. Do you develop film on your own?

I don't develope my films on my own. But i do all my prints on my own. I just like the process in the color lab. The selecting, all the work with the photograph. I have a closer and deeper connection to the photograph when I print it on my own.

Q. How about retouching? What is the reason you do/don’t retouch yourself? How do you retouch or have photos retouched?

I just scan my prints. Or friends of mine scan my prints. But i don't retouch my photos. I really like and appreciate small irregularities.

Q. Which do you prefer, a film camera or a digital camera? What do you feel about their pros and cons?

I definately prefer a film camera. I just like the whole process much more. It's slower. There is less technique. I don't need to buy a new camera every few years. But mainly it is really the whole process. I think it's an advantage that you can't control the photo immediately. I think i work more concentrated when i work with my film camera,

-Upcoming works/projects-

Q. What are your prospective projects in 2014? (e.g. exhibitions, projects, publications etc.)

Right now i work about a small town in the middle of nowhere.

Q. What object would you like to photograph in the future?

I don't know. I try not to think too much about that.

Q. Please give us any comments for young Japanese photographers.

“Follow your inner moonlight; don't hide the madness.”
Allen Ginsberg

Thank you very much!

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