●PCJ Interview
・File13 佐野円香
・File12 飯田かずな
・File11 河合俊哉
・File10 酒匂オサム
・File09 P.M.Ken

・File08 高木こずえ
・File07 太田拓実
・File06 鈴木心
・File05 青山裕企
・File04 小山泰介
・File03 奥本昭久
・File02 常盤響
・File01 辻佐織

●Company File
・File10 ペンタックスリコーイメージング
・File09 ハッセルブラッド・ジャパン
・File08 アドビ システムズ
・File07 富士フイルム
・File06 駒村商会
・File05 ジナー
・File04 ハッセルブラッド
・File03 シグマ
・File02 フェーズワン
・File01 ライカ

●Overseas Photographers
・File11 Ola Rindal
・File10 Peter Kaaden
File09 Josh Madson
・File08 Michael Kenna
・File07 Todd McLellan
・File06 Mona Kuhn
・File05 Diana Scheunemann
・File04 Albert Watson
・File03 Nick Meek
・File02 Rankin
・File01 Ron van Dongen


→English Version

1971年、ノルウェー生まれ。パリとノルウェーを拠点に活動するフォトグラファー。「Dazed and Confused」「Vogue」など多くの有名ファッション雑誌で撮影を手がけ、日本でも「Union」「装苑」などで活躍中。作家活動としては光、空気、水などをモチーフした北欧らしい繊細さを特徴とし、ミステリアスでメランコリックな雰囲気を持つ作品で知られる。


All Photographs © Ola Rindal


「Trees at night」。
「Invisible (pictures for an untold story)」より

「Road and Van」(上)、
「Woman in landscape」(下)。ともに「Blindness (pictures for another untold story)」より

「Union」誌で水原希子さんをモデルに撮影した「Dandelion Flower」より


「Crocked woman」


「Man runnig」


●Biography バイオグラフィー



Q:写真を始めたのは何歳の頃ですか? 何故写真に興味を持ったか覚えていますか? また、子供の頃他に何に興味を持っていましたか?




Q:若い頃に影響を受けた表現はありますか? 例えば写真家、映画、音楽などで夢中になったアーティストやミュージシャンはいますか?

Ola:最初は(ノルウェーの写真家)Tom Sandberg とChrister Strömholmです。その後はウイリアム・エグルストン、 リー・フリードランダー、ヴォルフガング・ティルマンス 、ユルゲン・テラーの作品を観ていました。


Q:写真を職業にした理由はなんですか? 他に職業の選択肢を考えたことはありますか?


Q:日本で知っている写真家はいますか? その人のどんなところを評価していますか?


●Work 活動内容








Ola::1番目は「Invisible (pictures for an untold story)」、「Blindness ( pictures for another untold story)」。極めて個人的で小さな写真集ですが、この作品集を通して自分の世界の見方に近づけたように思います。

2番目は「Union」の仕事で東京で水原希子さんを撮影した「Dandelion Flower」。この写真の持つシンプルで率直な雰囲気が好きです。その日はとても美しい1日で、良い波長を生み出す素晴らしいスタッフと一緒に撮影ができました。もちろん希子さんもとても美しかったです。


●Tools 現在の道具

Q:フイルムカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください。複数あればできるだけ書いてください。 

Ola:Nikon FE2と50mm f/1.4。Nikon F3と50mmまたは85mm。それとCONTAX T3です。

Q:これまで使った中で一番好きなフイルムはなんですか? フイルム名とその理由を教えてください。


Q: デジタルカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください。


Q現在のメインのカメラはなんですか? その理由も教えてください。

Ola:Nikon FE2+50mm。もうこのカメラを使うのが習慣になっているからです。小さくて使いやすく、毎日繰り返し使える丈夫なカメラです。


Ola:monopod(モノポッド)を使っています。ストロボはカメラについているフラッシュを時々使用。プリンタはエプソンの「Stylus Pro3880」です。




Ola:「Capture One」です。



Q:レタッチはご自分で行いますか? その理由と主にどんな処理を行うか教えてください。


Q:フイルムとデジタル、どちらが好きですか? またそれぞれの長所、短所をお聞かせください。



●Schedule 今後の活動









Our questions are divided into 4 parts: biography, works, tools and upcoming works/projects. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, but please just skip any questions you would not like to answer.

Also, it would be great if you could provide us with a picture of your face as well as some pictures your mentions in this questionnaire. Thank you!


Q. Please tell us your date of birth and where you were born.

I was born in Favang, Norway, in july 1971

Q. When did you start taking photos? Do you remember why you developed an interest in taking pictures? What else were you interested in as a child?

I started when I was in high-school. I think I was caught by the magic of the darkroom, the trill of seeing a picture appear. I loved fishing and looking at birds, but I was also doing ski-jumping when I was at teenager

Q. Please let us know your academic background. Did you major in photography?

I did a technical school of photograph in Oslo for 2 year, and after I studied for 3 years for a BA in Gothenburg in Sweden.

Q. What creative expressions influenced you in your youth? Were you crazy about any particular photographers, movie stars, musicians or other artists?

At fist I looked at photographer like Tom Sandberg and Christer Stromholm, but later I looked Eggelstone and Friedlander, but also Wolfgang Tillmans and Juergen Teller.

I have never really been a fan of anyone in particular, but have been enjoying lots of different expression over the years.

Q. Why did you choose photography as your occupation? Have you ever considered any other options?

I do not feel that I have chosen photography. I have a feeling that it is more like it has chose me. I have never really considered any other options

Q. Please let us know any Japanese photographers you are familiar with. What is your evaluation of them?

Nobuyoshi Araki
evaluation: I think he is one of the greater artists of our time.

Rinko Kawauchi
evaluation: Fantastic sensibility, and a creator of her very special and personal universe.

Daido Moriyama
evaluation: His world is fascinating, and I admire his consistency and his approach


Q: Which is your current mainstream, commercial photography or non-commercial creative activity?

For non-commercial, I work on several book-projects at the same time. For commercial work, I work on some fashion and portrait assignments. I was last week in Japan to shoot for Union Magazine.

Q: Now a single-lens reflex camera can be used to make movies. Are you working on any projects now where you make use of SRL for making a movie?

No, Im not working on any film project. Only still-photography at the moment.

Q: Please select the 3 best works from all over your works. Then please let us know the reason why you think they are the best, and write some memories or episodes about them.

1.Invisible (pictures for an untold story) and Blindness ( pictures for another untold story)

reason: This are a very personnel little photobooks, where I feel that I get close to the way I see the world.

2.Dandelion story for Union Magazine with Kiko in Tokyo

reason: I like the feel of the shoot. Simple and honest.

memory: It was a beatuiful day and I had a great team that was spreading good vibes. And of course the beautiful Kiko.

3.Christophe Lemaire and Sarah-Linh for Apartamento

reason: All very natural and easy. As if it was effortless.

memory: Beautiful people with a beautiful home that creates warm and beautiful atmosphere.


Q. What model of film camera do you currently use? Please let us know the specific model. If you have more than one camera, please list as many as possible.

body: Nikon fe2. the lens: 50 1.4
body: Nikon F3.the lens: 50 or 85
body: contax t3

Q. What brand of film do you like the best?

kodak Portra 400. I think just because Im used to it. And it gives me what the colors that I want.

Q. What brand of digital camera do you currently use? Please let us know the specific model. If you have use more than one, please list as many as you can.

body: Canon 5d. lens: 28, 50, 85 and 200mm

Q. Which camera is the main one you use now? Why?

Nikon Fe2,lens: 50

reason: It is just a habit I guess. But I find it easy to use, and it is small and solid to have around every day.

Q. Please let us know accessories you use.

strobe light: I use a on camera flash sometimes.
printer: Epson 3880

Q. Are there any other essential accessories or tools for you?

Not really, I like to keep it as simple as possible.

Q. When you use a digital camera, what software do you mostly use.

I use Capture One

Q. Do you develop film on your own?

no, I go to a lab, procesuss photo in Paris

Q. How about retouching? What is the reason you do/don’t retouch yourself? How do you retouch or have photos retouched?

I do a lot of retouching myself. Just easier and cheeper that a retouching-firm.

Q. Which do you prefer, a film camera or a digital camera? What do you feel about their pros and cons?

film camera
pros: I like the feel of film. I like the grain. I also like to not have screen to look at when Im shooting. It keeps the concentration better between me and the model.

cons: Can be more difficult to keep track of what you are doing. Also it can be a bit more expensive.

-digital camera
pros: Easier to change in postproduction from color to b/w and more.
Easier to communicate with the team when you can show what you are doing
cons: I still feel like the colors and the overall feeling of digital is not as nice as what I get on film.

-Upcoming works/projects-

Q. What are your prospective projects in 2014?

I m trying to finish another book or two, and hopefully I will get some interesting assignments.

Q. What object would you like to photograph in the future?

I just want to be able to express my self better, being able to communicate my universe in a even stronger and more convincing way.

Q. Please give us any comments for young Japanese photographers.

Just be true to your self and your unique expression.

Thank you very much!

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