●PCJ Interview
・File10 酒匂オサム
・File09 P.M.Ken

・File08 高木こずえ
・File07 太田拓実
・File06 鈴木心
・File05 青山裕企
・File04 小山泰介
・File03 奥本昭久
・File02 常盤響
・File01 辻佐織

●Company File
・File08 アドビ システムズ
・File07 富士フイルム
・File06 駒村商会
・File05 ジナー
・File04 ハッセルブラッド
・File03 シグマ
・File02 フェーズワン
・File01 ライカ

●Overseas Photographers
・File08 Michael Kenna
・File07 Todd McLellan
・File06 Mona Kuhn
・File05 Diana Scheunemann
・File04 Albert Watson
・File03 Nick Meek
・File02 Rankin
・File01 Ron van Dongen



→English Version


「シリーズ海外写真家たちに聞く」では、現在活躍されている海外写真家の方々に、「バイオグラフィー」「活動内容」「現在の道具」「今後の活動」という4つの質問を軸にインタビューを行っていく。今回は気鋭の女性フォトグラファー、Diana Scheunemann氏に登場いただいた(翻訳文の下に、英語によるインタビューの原文も掲載している)。

All Photographs © Diana Scheunemann

最新の写真集「Love American Skin」より抜粋

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

▲「Love American Skin」 (クリックで拡大)

●Biography バイオグラフィー













PCJ:若い頃に影響を受けた表現はありますか? 例えば写真家、映画、音楽などで夢中になったアーティストやミュージシャンはいますか?


PCJ:写真を職業にした理由はなんですか? 他の職業を考えたことはありますか?


●Work 活動内容

PCJ: 現在興味ある被写体や撮影テーマは何ですか?







1つ目は、映像の「Love American Skin」が大好きです。なぜなら、私が作品を観る人たちに対して、アメリカ人についてどう思うべきか語らずとも、彼らがどんな人たちかが表現できているからです。

2つ目は、私の2冊目の写真集「Diana Scheunemann」が好きです。これは、自分のパーソナル作品とエディトリアルが交ざったものです。特に今この本を見ているとたくさんの思い出がよみがえってきます。


●Tools 現在の道具

PCJ: デジタルカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください。複数あればできるだけ書いてください。

キヤノンのEOS 1Ds Mark IIIです。

PCJ:現在のメインのカメラはなんですか? その理由も教えてください。




PCJ:フイルムとデジタル、どちらが好きですか? またそれぞれの長所、短所をお聞かせください。


●Schedule 今後の活動

PCJ: 2011年の活動予定をお聞かせください(展覧会、プロジェクトや出版など)







Diana Scheunemann

Diana Scheunemann’s photography is alive with sensuality and emotion. She was born in 1975 in Germany and educated in Switzerland. Scheunemann has since spent a decade travelling and capturing the scenes from her life with provocative honesty. Her instinctive desire to pursue photography has taken her across the globe in search of stimulating imagery.


PCJ: When and where you were born?

A1975 in Germany.

PCJ: How old were you when you started taking photographs?

About 12 years old.

PCJ: Do you remember how you became interested in taking pictures.

My neighbour was a photographer and I bought myself a little snapshot camera.

PCJ: Were there anything else you are interested in back then along with photography?

I was a Scout ;o)

PCJ: What is your academic background?

I went to art school for 4 years.

PCJ: Did you major in photography?


PCJ: When you were young, did you get influenced from any artists, movies or musicians?

No.I didn’t know about any photographers before I had my own style.

PCJ: Why did you choose to be photographers (artists)? Have you ever considered any other professions?

I think from the point that I was thinking of leaving school there was never another option for me.


PCJ: What subjects and themes are you interested in the most right now?

Humans. And their story. I’m getting more and more interested in film as well. It shows more about a person.

PCJ: Which is your current main work, commercial photography or non-commercial fine art photograph?

Last year I did my first 80min film. It is a documentary about a road trip I did with my husband. The film is about the American we met on the way. Other then that I do commercial work to finance my own projects.

PCJ: Nowadays, you can take a movie with a single-lens reflex camera. ?Are you doing any projects or works with movies?

Oh, this is already answered at the top.

PCJ: What are your three best works? Can you explain why? If you have any stories about them, please share them with us.

I love my film “Love American Skin”. Because it shows Americans how they are without me telling the audience what they should think about them.

I love my 2nd published book “Diana Scheunemann”. It is a mix of very personal work with editorials. Specially looking at this book now brings back lots of memories.

I love a story I’m shooting of a friend of mine. It’s a longterm project.


PCJ: Which digital camera are you using? Please let us know specific model. ?If you are using more than one, please list as many as you can.

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III.

PCJ: Which camera do you use the most? ?Are there any reasons why?

Canon EOS 1Ds Mark III.

PCJ: Are there any other essential accessories or tools for your photo shoot?

No. Very basic. Just Camera, lense and flash sometimes.

PCJ: Which do you prefer, a film camera or a digital camera? What do you feel about their pros and cons?

For the way I shoot I don’t see any reason to shoot analog. I’m living in the here and now and am not nostalgic about camera practices.Digital is affordable, quick, easy.

-Upcoming works/projects-

PCJ: What are your plans for 2011? (E.g. exhibitions, projects, or publications)

Finishing my film.

PCJ: What subjects are you interested in photographing?

I love people who are open about their bodies… and let me into their live.

PCJ: Please give us any comments to the young inspired Japanese photographers.


PCJ: Thank you very much!.

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