●PCJ Interview
・File10 酒匂オサム
・File09 P.M.Ken

・File08 高木こずえ
・File07 太田拓実
・File06 鈴木心
・File05 青山裕企
・File04 小山泰介
・File03 奥本昭久
・File02 常盤響
・File01 辻佐織

●Company File
・File08 アドビ システムズ
・File07 富士フイルム
・File06 駒村商会
・File05 ジナー
・File04 ハッセルブラッド
・File03 シグマ
・File02 フェーズワン
・File01 ライカ

●Overseas Photographers
・File08 Michael Kenna
・File07 Todd McLellan
・File06 Mona Kuhn
・File05 Diana Scheunemann
・File04 Albert Watson
・File03 Nick Meek
・File02 Rankin
・File01 Ron van Dongen



→English Version



All Photographs © Rankin


▲Blondie Eyes Shut, 1998(クリックで拡大)

▲The Queen, 2001(クリックで拡大)

▲Close But No Cigar 2, 2001(クリックで拡大)

▲Gorbachev 2, 2008(クリックで拡大)

▲Girls on Top - Sucker, 2003(クリックで拡大)

▲Passport to Blair, 2003(クリックで拡大)

▲Robbie's Pants, 1998(クリックで拡大)

▲Richard Ashcroft, 2000(クリックで拡大)

▲Rankin's Pants, 2006(クリックで拡大)

●Biography バイオグラフィー

Rankinはイギリスのポートレート/ファッションフォトグラファー。雑誌「Dazed & Confused」の共同創刊者でもある。氏は王族から難民まで幅広い被写体を撮影し、個人的な興味と広告キャンペーンを横断するその迫力のある写真は、現代のアイコンの1つとなっている。現在、妻と息子とロンドンに暮らす。



Q2:写真を始めたのは何歳の頃ですか? 何故写真に興味を持ったか覚えていますか? また、子供の頃他に何に興味を持っていましたか?





Q4:若い頃に影響を受けた表現はありますか? 例えば写真家、映画、音楽などで夢中になったアーティストやミュージシャンはいますか?


Q5:写真を職業にした理由はなんですか? 他の職業を考えたことはありますか



Q6:日本で知っている写真家はいますか? その人のどんなところを評価していますか?


●Work 活動内容

Q7: 現在興味ある被写体や撮影テーマは何ですか?






はい、現在たくさんの映像プロジェクトが進行しています。ぜひ私の作品をWebサイト(http://rankinfilms.com/ )で観てください。新しい映像技術がすごい早さで進んでいます。RedOneやキヤノンの5D Mark IIは完全に今の映像の作り方を変えました。少ない予算で素晴らしい作品を作ることができます。これはとても開放的なことで、興奮する瞬間ともいえます。


私の作品でベスト3なんて絶対に選べないですね! その作品にもすべて特別な感情を持っています。撮影は常に刺激的で新しい作品を生んでくれます。撮影中のトラブルなどの経験からも学ぶことはあるし、私は納得するまで絶対に撮影を止めたりしません。

●Tools 現在の道具

Q11:フイルムカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください(カメラボディとレンズ)。複数あればできるだけ書いてください。

私のキャリアの中では、ずっとMamiya RZを使用していて、現在も使っています。

Q12:これまで使った中で一番好きなフイルムはなんですか? フイルム名とその理由を教えてください。

「160 VC Kodak Portra」です。鮮やかな色で粒が細かく、ポートレートに最適です。

Q13:デジタルカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください。複数あればできるだけ書いてください。

私が使用しているカメラはPhase One 645DFにPhase Oneのデジタルバック、Mamiya RZにデジタルバック、キヤノン1DS Mark III、キヤノン5D Mark IIとキヤノン7Dです。

Q14:現在のメインのカメラはなんですか? その理由も教えてください。

メインにはPhase One 645DFとSchneiderのレンズを使用しています。とても軽くて。連結撮影も行いますしカードでも撮ります。Schneiderのレンズの被写界深度はとても良いです。信頼性もあります。


Mamiya RZで撮影していた頃は、重くてモノポッドを使用していました。645DFを使用している今は、軽いので完全に手持ちです。ライトはいつもProfotoを選びます。でも、連続で早いフラッシュが必要な撮影のときはBroncolorを使用しています。例えば、人がジャンプしている写真など、早い動きのものの一瞬を切り取るときなどですね。それとプリンタは、エプソンの1180を持っています。




撮影の時はCaputure One、撮影後の編集にはPhotoshopを使用しています。







Q20:フイルムとデジタル、どちらが好きですか? またそれぞれの長所、短所をお聞かせください。


●Schedule 今後の活動

Q21: 2011年の活動予定をお聞かせください(展覧会、プロジェクトや出版など)

2011年にはいろいろな計画があります。すでにまたOxfamと仕事をしていて、ケニヤから戻ったばかりなんです。もうすぐ「OPEN」という展覧会がニューヨークのMilk Studiosで行われて、それにはRankin Live最新の撮影も含まれています。そしてロスのメルローズアベニューにギャラリーとスタジオをオープンする予定です。


人間です! 私はあらゆる人を撮影するのが大好きです。私は彼らの目の中に、他の誰も見つけたことことのないものを見つけたいのです。





Q1: When and where you were born?

1966, Glasgow.

Q2: How old were you when you started taking photographs? Do you remember how you became interested in taking pictures? Were there anything else you are interested in back then along with photography?

I was initially interested in photography when I was 17 after a hairdresser had given me a really crazy haircut and wanted to take my portrait. It was the glamour of it all at that stage.

I started taking photos when I was 21, realized that it was what I wanted to do and dropped my accountancy studies.

Other interests beyond photography would be film, which has always been a passion of mine. I can remember frequent trips to the cinema with my dad when I was a small child.

Q3: What is your academic background? Did you major in photography?

Not many people know this, but I was actually training to be an accountant. I wasn't enjoying my degree, and I was surrounded by all these creative people - they were going to the coolest parties and getting with the hottest women! Unsurprisingly, I decided to jump ship and join them! I dropped accountancy and went back to my A-levels - back almost three years - and began studying photography.

Q4: When you were young, did you get influenced from any artists, movies or musicians?

Film was my main influence at that age. My parents were lower-middle class and didn’t really have any connection with art and culture. I always remember looking out of the car window and viewing it in the same way as a television screen. When I look back on my childhood, I was always seduced by imagery.

Q5: Why did you choose to be photographers (artists)? Have you ever considered any other professions?

I came from an accountant's background. I was told to do science subjects at school. My family was quite traditional and had traditional working class values - get a job, make some money, and look after your family. Working as a photographer didn't equate to this, which is why I initially went into accountancy. But, as I've said, I very soon realized it wasn't for me. The minute I started with photography, that was it - I am so lucky in that I was able to turn my passion into a job.

Q6: Do you know any Japanese photographers? If so, what do you think about their work?

Yeah of course I know Araki and there are loads of great Japanese photographers. But I really love a lot of Araki's imagery!


Q7: What subjects and themes are you interested in the most right now?

Death has always fascinated me. People hate talking about it - but we all have to engage with it at some point.

However, while I do still love fashion photography, photographic portraiture is really what interests me most. I am always intrigued by people and I love the expressiveness in eyes. Photographing faces never gets dull or loses its depth as people are so multi-faceted.

Q8: Which is your current main work, commercial photography or non-commercial fine art photograph?

I have a real mix of commercial and personal projects constantly on the go and am frequently shooting 7 days a week. For me, it’s more about the creative concept behind the shoot rather than whether it’s commercial or personal. If I am inspired by the idea, then where the imagery ends up is of lesser importance to me.

Q9: Nowadays, you can take a movie with a single-lens reflex camera? Are you doing any projects or works with movies?

Yes, there’s loads of film projects on the go at the moment, have a look at. http://rankinfilms.com/ to see my work. New moving image technology is moving so fast, and redcams and high spec canons have absolutely transformed the way in which you can make films now. You can do incredible work on tiny budgets. That’s really liberating. it’s an exciting moment.

Q10: What are your three best works? Can you explain why? If you have any stories about them, please share them with us.

I could never choose my three best works! They all hold a special emotional place once they have been shot - because each shoot experience is individual and exciting in its own way, and yields new work. Even a bad shoot experience, where the shots were a struggle to get, is still a lesson learned...and I never stop shooting until I am happy with the results.


Q11: Which film camera are you currently using? Please let us know specific model? If you have more than one cameras, please list as many as possible.

I have used Mamiya RZ’s throughout my career and still use them now.

Q12: Which brands of film do you like the best? Please explain why?

160 vc kodak portra. Vivid colours with fine grain and works well for portraiture.

Q13: Which digital camera are you using? Please let us know specific model.??If you are using more than one, please list as many as you can.

The cameras I use are Phase One DF with Phase One Backs, Mamiya Rz with digital backs, Canon 1DS mark 3, Canon 5D mk2 and 7D’s

Q14: Which camera do you use the most? Are there any reasons why?

Phase One 645, largest file size, very light, good Schneider lenses, shoots tethered and to card, nice depth of field with certain lenses, reliable.

Q15: What camera accessories are you using (e.g. tripod, monopod, strobe light, or printer)?

When I shot with the RZ it was so heavy I used to use a monopod. Now with the 645 I work completely hand held as it’s so light. Profoto is my usual choice of light but I use Broncolor on jobs where I need a quicker flash duration, i.e. to cut out movement, people jumping etc. Printer I own is a Epson 1180.

Q16: Are there any other essential accessories or tools for your photo shoot?

I always work with Macs, they’ve changed my life!

Q17: What software do you mostly use for your digital camera (e.g. Photoshop, Capture One, etc)?

Capture One on set and Photoshop for post production.

Q18: Do you develop films on your own?

No, it’s more efficient and cost effective to use a pro lab.

Q19: If you are doing digital photography, do you do retouch work?

Yes, I have a team of in-house retouchers. All my images shot on digital will go through some level of retouching.

lWhat is the reason why you do or don’t retouch by yourself?

Retouching is an art form in itself. I work closely with my retouch team but ultimately I wouldn’t have time to do all the retouching myself.

Q20: Which do you prefer, a film camera or a digital camera? What do you feel about their pros and cons?

I love experimenting with film and have shot some specific projects using film and Polaroid, but I have to say that digital is my preferred choice. It makes my work so much more efficient. I love the way shoots develop organically on set through collaborations with everyone involved. You can edit on set and see exactly what needs to change.

-Upcoming works/projects-

Q21: What are your plans for 2011? (E.g. exhibitions, projects, or publications)

Where do I start, there is so much going on in 2011. We’ve already been working with Oxfam again and just got back from Kenya. Soon the ‘OPEN’ exhibition will begin in the Milk Studios, New York and include the latest shoot for Rankin Live. I’m also opening a gallery and studio in LA on Melrose Avenue.

Q21: What subjects are you interested in photographing?

People! I love shooting anyone and everyone. I want to find something in their eyes that no one else has found before.

Q22: Please give us any comments to the young inspired Japanese photographers.

Keep an open mind in all respects. Embrace new technology. Watch as many films as possible, go to exhibitions, eat in new places. Don't prejudge your subjects. Basically, keep culturally aware and open to new people and new experiences.

Thank you very much!

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