●PCJ Interview
・File10 酒匂オサム
・File09 P.M.Ken

・File08 高木こずえ
・File07 太田拓実
・File06 鈴木心
・File05 青山裕企
・File04 小山泰介
・File03 奥本昭久
・File02 常盤響
・File01 辻佐織

●Company File
・File08 アドビ システムズ
・File07 富士フイルム
・File06 駒村商会
・File05 ジナー
・File04 ハッセルブラッド
・File03 シグマ
・File02 フェーズワン
・File01 ライカ

●Overseas Photographers
・File08 Michael Kenna
・File07 Todd McLellan
・File06 Mona Kuhn
・File05 Diana Scheunemann
・File04 Albert Watson
・File03 Nick Meek
・File02 Rankin
・File01 Ron van Dongen


翻訳:稲吉実菜子 / Minako Inayoshi

→English Version

Ron van Dongen氏
© David Rubin

「シリーズ海外写真家たちに聞く」では、現在活躍されている海外写真家の方々に、「バイオグラフィー」「活動内容」「現在の道具」「今後の活動」という4つの質問を軸に基本的にメールでインタビューを行っていく。第1回は植物を撮る写真家、Ron van Dongenにご登場いただいた。なお、以下の翻訳文の下に、英語によるインタビューの原文も掲載している。

All Photographs © Ron van Dongen / RAM

Ron氏自選のBest 3

▲Rosa 'Black Beauty' © 1998(クリックで拡大)

▲'The Wondering' © 1995(クリックで拡大)

▲'Mingus' © 2002(クリックで拡大)


▲Helleborus x hibridus 'Apricot' © 2005 (クリックで拡大)

▲Tulipa 'Absalon' III © 2008(クリックで拡大)

▲Paeonia 'William Carter' © 2009(クリックで拡大)

▲Eustoma grandiflorum © 2010(クリックで拡大)

▲Papaver somniferum © 1996(クリックで拡大)

▲Agave ©1998(クリックで拡大)

▲Anemone coronaria © 2001(クリックで拡大)

© David Rubin

●Biography バイオグラフィー



−−写真を始めたのは何歳の頃ですか? なぜ写真に興味を持ったかを覚えていますか? また、子供の頃ほかに興味を持っていたものは何でしたか?



オランダのデルフトにあるLerarenopleiding ZWNで生物学と健康科学を専攻しました。卒業後は写真の技術とファインアートフォトグラフィーをさらに学ぶためにサンフランシスコにあるアカデミー・オブ・アートカレッジに進みました。

−−若い頃に影響を受けた表現はありますか? 例えば写真、映画、音楽などのジャンルで夢中になったアーティストやミュージシャンはいますか?


−−写真を職業にした理由は何ですか? ほかの職業を選択肢として考えたことはありますか?


−−日本で知っている写真家はいますか? その写真家のどんな点を評価していますか?




●Work 活動内容






「生きている」花を使いながらも、それがカラー写真の静物画に見えるように撮るためにCanon 5D Mark Ⅱを使いました。そのときはチューリップを被写体にして10、20分間撮影しました。なぜこうした「生きている、生の」静物を撮ることにしたのかというと、一見ひっそりとした花が実は短時間に急速に花びらを開かせられることを表したかったからです。動画撮影は本当にミステリアスだと思います。


1.「Rosa Black Beauty」

Rosa Black Beautyというバラを買った時、これほど濃い色のバラを私は見たことがありませんでした。撮影してみるとまさしくこのバラは濃く写り、しかも被写体に奥行きを与えるようなハイライトはまったくありませんでした。また、花びらに息を吹きかけてみると、私の吐息が明るい光を反射し、写真にきれいなハイライトを与えてくれることに気付きました。

2.「The Wondering」




●Tools 現在の道具

−−フイルムカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください。

ボディは「Sinar f1 4×5カメラ」。
レンズは「Rodenstock Apo-Macro-Sironar 1:5.6 f=180mm」です。

−−一番好きなフイルムは何ですか? フイルム名とその理由を教えてください。

「Polaroid 55 P/N」。理由:階調幅が美しく、ディテールの描写力も本当に秀逸で、なおかつインスタントフイルムだからです。

「Fujichrome RDP Ⅲ 4x5シートフイルム」。理由は植物をカラー撮影するのに最も優れたフイルムだからです。

−−現在デジタルカメラは何をお使いですか? 具体的なメーカー名や製品名を教えてください。複数あればできるだけ多く書いてください。

ボディは「Canon 5D MarkⅡ」。
レンズは「Canonズームレンズ EF 70-200mm 1:2.8」。
もう1台は「Leica D-Lux3」です。

−−現在のメインで使っているカメラは何ですか? その理由も教えてください。

「Sinar f1」+「Rodenstock Apo-Macro-Sironar 1:5.6 f=180mm」です。


ストロボは「Dynalite AP 2000-2000WSパワーパック」(ポートレイトと人物写真用)。




「Photoshop CS3」と「Lightroom 2」です。


Polaroid 55 P/Nはインスタントフイルムなので、現像の必要がありません。ただ、残念ながらこのフイルムはすでに入手不可能です。Fujichrome RDP Ⅲについては、自分で現像はしていません。

−−レタッチはご自分で行いますか? その理由と主にどんな処理を行うか教えてください。


−−フイルムとデジタル、どちらが好きですか? またそれぞれの長所、短所をお聞かせください。

驚くほどディテールを保ったまま大きくプリントがすることできるので、いまだにフイルムカメラと4×5シートフイルムを使って撮影する方が好きです。そのほうがCanon 5D MarkⅡを使って同サイズに拡大するよりも(技術的に)クオリティの高いプリントができます。同等のクオリティでプリントができる4×5カメラ用のデジタルパックはありますが、購入するにはまだかなり高額です。

●Schedule 今後の活動


3月:テネシー州ノックスビル「The Blackberry Farm」でのアーティスト・イン・レジデンス。
4月:オレゴン州ポートランド、Froelick Galleryで新作の展覧会「Proof」
10月:ポーランドのBielsko-Bialaで開催される「Foto Art Festival」への招待フォトグラファー。







Q1. Please tell us your date of birth and where you were born.

I was born to Dutch parents on March 7, 1961 in Judibana, Venezuela and raised in the Netherlands. My nationality is Dutch.

Q2. When did you start taking photos? Do you remember why you developed an interest in taking pictures? What else were you interested in as a child?

As a child, animals and plants mesmerized me. I spent a lot of time in nature, collecting plants and animals. Later in life, during college, I discovered that I was a visually oriented person. Visual impressions have a much bigger effect on me than written words. I was in my early 20’s when I started to take photographs.

Q3. Please let us know your academic background.
Did you major in photography?

In college I majored in Biology and Health Sciences at the “Lerarenopleiding ZWN” in Delft, the Netherlands. After completing college, I attended the Academy of Art College in San Francisco, CA to develop my photographic skills and learn more about fine art photography.

Q4. What creative expressions influenced you in your youth? Were you crazy about any particular photographers, movie stars, musicians or other artists?

I grew up in a family in which science was more important than art. Since I loved nature, I spent a lot of time in the forests and at a farm in the town where I grew up. Music was very important to me as well. As a teenager I listened to Genesis, Wings, Rickie Lee Jones, Fleedwood Mac and others.

Q5. Why did you choose photography as your occupation? Have you ever considered any other options?

When I lived in San Francisco, I learned that there were opportunities to make a living as a fine art photographer. I knew it would be difficult to establish myself as a fine art photographer, but I persisted and eventually succeeded. The only other occupation I seriously considered (and this is when I was a teenager) was to become an airline pilot.

Q6. Please let us know any Japanese photographers you are familiar with. What is your evaluation of them?

who? Masao Yamamoto
evaluation: Someone who creates beautiful and intimate photographic poetry from everyday objects and occurrences

who? Miwa Yanagi
evaluation: Fantastic portrait photography. Her elaborately staged photographs are often mysterious portraits of women that are quite provocative and seem to ask questions about the role women play in our society .

who? Eikoh Hosoe
evaluation: His B&W figure work is often high in contrast and graphic in nature (and composition ), which give his photographs a cold and detached--but memorable--quality.


Q1. In what objects and themes are you interested right now?

Floral still lifes.

Q2. Which is your current mainstream, commercial photography or non-commercial creative activity?

I consider the work I do creative. I make a living selling my work through photography galleries, but sometimes I am commissioned to do commercial work when it suits my style.

Q3. Now a single-lens reflex camera can be used to make movies. Are you working on any projects now where you make use of SRL for making a movie?

I have used my Canon 5D Mark II to create “live “ flower still lifes in which the images look like my (color) photographic still lifes. The clips are between 10 and 20 minutes in duration and tulips are the subject matter. The reason for showing these “live” still lifes is to show how quickly a seemingly still flower can open up its petals in such a short time. The clips look truly mysterious.

Q4. Please select the 3 best works from all over your works. Then please let us know the reason why you think they are the best, and write some memories or episodes about them.

1. name of the work; (SL 48X) Rosa ‘Black Beauty’.

reason: One of my most successful ‘Black-on-Black’ images.

memory: In the mid 90’s I experimented a lot with monotone imagery. I was looking for plants and flowers that, when photographed, would visually disappear in to the background. (for example, white flowers on white backgrounds, dark flowers on black backdrops.

When I bought Rosa ‘Black Beauty,’ I had never seen this very dark colored rose before. When I photographed it, the result certainly looked dark, but without any highlights to give the image depth. I discovered that if I breathed on the petal, the condensation of my breath reflected more light and added beautiful highlights to the photograph.

2. name of the work: ‘The Wondering’

reason: The photograph represented a very important moment in the lives of two dear friends.

memory: I was documenting a friend’s fight with AIDS. Another friend had just become a mother of a beautiful girl. The baby and the friend with AIDS visually reminded me of each other: they both had the same big eyes and both had no hair. I decided to photograph them together. The result was a striking moment in the lives of two individuals, each dealing with survival in very different ways.

3. name of the work: ‘Mingus’

reason: A nice example of a ‘decisive moment’ created with a 4”x5” camera.

memory: I was working on a small series of dog portraits photographing them the same formal way one would photograph people with a large format camera. Mingus was a small Italian Greyhound I met in a park while walking my own dog. I loved the dog’s spirit and asked his owner if I could photograph him in the studio. Using a heavy and stationary large format camera was a very bad choice to photograph such a lively and fast moving animal. After many wasted sheets of film I finally caught the beautiful dog on film.


Q1. What model of film camera do you currently use? Please let us know the specific model. If you have more than one camera, please list as many as possible.

body: Sinar F1 4x5 camera.
lens: Rodenstock Apo-Macro-Sironar 1:5.6 f=180mm.

Q2. What brand of film do you like the best?

name: Polaroid 55 P/N.

why? This film has beautiful tonal range, renders extremely fine detail, and processes instantly.

name: Fujichrome RDP III 4”x5” sheet film.

why? This is an excellent film for photographing plants in color.

Q3. What brand of digital camera do you currently use? Please let us know the specific model. If you have use more than one, please list as many as you can.

body: Canon 5D Mark II.
lens: Canon Zoom Lens EF 70-200mm 1:2.8.

body: Leica D-Lux 3.
lens: --

Q4. Which camera is the main one you use now? Why?

body: Sinar F1. Most of my work is photographed with this camera, because it allows me to make very big enlargements (32”x40”) without losing any detail.

lens: Rodenstock Apo-Macro- Sironar 1:5.6 f=180mm.

reason: This is the perfect combination of camera and lens for studio still life photography.

Q5. Please let us know accessories you use.

tripod/monopod: Bogen 3236.

strobe light: Dynalite AP 2000-2000WS Power Pack (for portraits and figure photography only).

printer: Epson SP9900EFI (for color still lifes).

Q6. Are there any other essential accessories or tools for you?

I don’t use any other essential accessories or tools.

Q7. When you use a digital camera, what software do you mostly use (e.g. Photoshop, Capture One, etc)?

Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Adobe Lightroom 2.

Q8. Do you develop film on your own?

Polaroid 55 P/N is an instant film; it develops itself. Unfortunately, the film is not available anymore. The Fujichrome RDP III I don’t develop myself.

Q9. How about retouching? What is the reason you do/don’t retouch yourself? How do you retouch or have photos retouched?

I print my own B/W photographs and like to retouch the photographs myself, because it gives me complete control. I only retouch dust spots on the B/W prints that appear white on the photographs.

Q10. Which do you prefer, a film camera or a digital camera? What do you feel about their pros and cons?

I still prefer to work with a film camera and to use 4”x5” sheet film. It allows me to make very large, incredibly detailed prints. These prints are of higher (technical) quality than enlargements of equal size made with the Canon 5D Mark II. Digital backs are available for 4”x5” cameras that can create equally beautiful prints, but they are still very expensive to purchase.

-Upcoming works/projects-

Q1. What are your prospective projects in 2011? (e.g. exhibitions, projects, publications etc.)

Confirmed engagements for 2011 are:
-March: Artist in residence at “The Blackberry Farm”, Knoxville, TN.
-April: “Proof”, an exhibition of new work at the Froelick Gallery, Portland, OR.
-October: Featured Photographer at the “Foto Art Festival”, Bielsko-Biala, Poland.

Q2. What object would you like to photograph in the future?

I am not sure what I want to photograph in the future, but it will likely be related to plants.

Q3. Please give us any comments for young Japanese photographers.

Photograph what is close to your heart and choose a subject matter you know a lot about.

Thank you very much!

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